One hundred and forty-three shows. Three microphones, two guitars, one bass, and one drumkit. One full-length (Wants You Dead, 2005), one EP (Vs. The Kids, 2003), and one compilation appearance (“People At This Laundromat Need To Mind Their Own Fucking Business” from Damage, Destruction, Terror, & Mayhem, 2004). Three tours. We’ve played shows with 400 BLOWS, ANDREW WK, CAUSTIC RESIN, EARLY MAN, FATAL FLYING GUILLOTEENS, FLESHIES, HARKONEN, PRIESTESS, THE SWORD, THREE INCHES OF BLOOD, TOYS THAT KILL, ZEKE. Members spread throughout Bellingham, Seattle, and Portland. Members of USS Horsewhip now play in Seattle bands Police Teeth, Black Breath, and Cold Lake.