Here it is the first full length release on New Regard Media, Full Frontal Assault’s The Universal Struggle. When I was first exposed to this recording in the summer of 2003 it was on an unmarked tape cassette and I was floored when I listened to the outright fury the tape contained. Each song takes you on a journey that can go from blast beats to pianos and back again. From the calm cello opening to the heavy and epic Without a Fight this album delivers again and again. The production on the album unlike other metal albums has a very organic sound that adds depth and honesty to the emotions of the tracks. Enough from me though take it from a true metal connoisseur at Terrorizer Magazine.
From the melancholic intro “The Struggle Begins” to the first class epic “Without a Fight”, this release comes as an undisputed masterpiece of metal malice, complete with cello and brilliant artwork. The pure energy of tracks like “Years Diminishing” and “Guiding Light” are uplifting in themselves, whilst “SOS(Surrender Or Slaughter) offers a strange vibrato of latin-style riffs. With an excellent live cover of Slayer’s “Angel of Death”, these guys oughta be checked out.
9/10 WS – Terrorizer Magazine
- Intro (The Struggle Begins)
- Years Dimnishing
- Soul Igniter
- S.O.S. (Surrender or Slaughter)
- Guiding Light
- For All to Mourn
- Without a Fight
We’re out of this release but there’s still a couple at interpunk or there’s digital download.